Veritas Collage

Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (SIT60316)

This qualification reflects the roles of individuals who apply highly specialised knowledge and  skills in the field of organisational learning and capability development. Individuals in these roles  generate and evaluate complex ideas.

Qualification Overview

This comprehensive course is designed to provide students an opportunity to build on the skills and knowledge of the Diploma program and reflects the role of a senior manager in a range of hospitality areas. Graduates of this program will benefit from a higher level of training and knowledge in the operations and management of a hospitality enterprise. Individuals with this qualification are able to perform senior management roles in a large hospitality enterprise or pursue owner/ manager roles in a hospitality enterprise. This course is designed to equip the graduate for employment opportunities in a variety of supervisory or management positions including bar manager, catering manager or owner, reception manager, food and beverage manager, cafe owner or manager, motel owner or manager, area manager, executive housekeeper, club secretary or manager, rooms division manager or operations manager in large hospitality organisations. Our practical classes will provide plenty of one-on-one time with our trainers, allowing you to fully develop your technique and skills. No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication

Possible Pathways

This qualification is designed to provide a pathway to work in any hospitality industry sector as an Accommodation and Hospitality Manager, Operations Manager, Motel Manager, Area Manager. This course is designed for employment as a café owner or manager club secretary or manager, executive chef, executive housekeeper, executive sous chef, food and beverage manager, head chef, motel owner or manager, rooms division manager for a diversity of employers including restaurants, hotels, motels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafés, and coffee shops and/or to continue higher studies, individuals could progress to a Bachelor’s Degree with various higher education providers in Australia. Veritas Institute Australia does not guarantee any placement into any pathway program (s) at another institute as it is entirely the responsibility of the student. Also, the college does not guarantee any migration or employment outcome upon course completion. Veritas Institute Australia also does not provide any assurance that students will always get a job upon returning to their home country. However, this qualification will offer a range of skills that aspiring chefs must have to work in hospitality, food service & other related sectors

Units of competency

Core Units

BSBOPS601 Develop and implement business plans

SITXCCS016 Develop and manage quality customer service practices

SITXFIN009 Manage finances within a budget

SITXFIN010 Prepare and monitor budgets

SITXFIN011 Manage physical assets

SITXGLC002 Identify and manage legal risks and comply with law

SITXHRM009 Lead and manage people

SITXHRM010 Recruit, select and induct staff

SITXHRM012 Monitor staff performance

SITXMGT004 Monitor work operations

SITXMGT005 Establish and conduct business relationships

SITXMPR014 Develop and implement marketing strategies

SITXWHS008 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system

Course Details

National Code: SIT60322
CRICOS Course Code: 116815H
Duration: 116 Weeks (Incl. Holidays)
Entry Requirements: Refer to Admission Requirements page
Delivery Mode: Face-to-Face, Work Based Training
Intake Dates: Contact Marketing @ +61352210927
Tuition Fee: AUD $28,200
Material Fee: AUD $2200
Application Fee: AUD $300
Chef Uniform Fee: $500

Entry Requirements

Although there are no formal prerequisites required to enter SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management, however, International Students entering this course at Veritas Institute Australia must meet the entry requirements as specified in this brochure. For more information about admission requirements, please read the admission requirements section in this brochure

Work Based Training

SSIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management involves work-based training / Practical Placement for 48 complete food service periods (or 192 hours) in a commercial kitchen. For more information about Work based training, please read the Work Based Training section in this brochure

Location of training delivery

Classroom: Suite 14, Level 2 / 10–24 Moorabool Street | Geelong | Victoria 3220 |Australia
Commercial Kitchen: Sacred Heart College, Retreat Rd, Newtown Vic 3220 and 11-17 Jeffcott Street, West Melbourne VIC 3003
WBT Location: As per individual student agreement. For more information about Work based training, please read the Work Based Training section in this brochure.

Mode of Study

Face to Face for minimum 20 hours per week plus Work Based Training

Course Duration

116 Weeks including 20 weeks Term Breaks and Holidays and 96 Weeks Face to Face Training & Assessment plus work-based

Course Structure

To successfully achieve this qualification, students need to complete 33 units of competency which include 16 core units, plus 17 elective units.

Awards issued on Completion

Students obtaining a competent result for all 33 units of competency will achieve the Nationally Recognised qualification SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (CRICOS Course Code: 0102177). A Statement of Attainment will be issued to students who complete less than 33 unit


The Preferred Pathways For Students Considering This Qualification Are

There Are No Entry Requirements For This Qualification.

Students Obtaining A Competency For All Units In This Course Will Be Awarded The Full Qualification BSB80120 – Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning), Which Would Include Certificate And Record Of Result. Students Not Obtaining A Competent Result For All Units In This Course Or Leaving The Course In The Middle Will Receive A Statement Of Attainment. Indicating The Actual Number Of Units, They Achieve Competency

This qualification provides a pathway to work as a 

  • learning and development consultant 
  • RTO Manager  
  • organisational learning and leadership manager 
  • RTO Director 
  • workforce capability development leader 
  • educational professional
  • manager providing research or information related to career development 

Sapience College does not do any misleading claim or job guarantee or advertise any  employment outcome with its courses.

Pathways into the qualification 

Candidates may enter the qualification through a number of entry points demonstrating potential  to undertake the study at the graduate level, including with a Diploma in business or  management or relevant field with a higher education qualification, together with relevant  vocational practice. 

Pathways from the qualification 

Further training pathways from this qualification may lead to a relevant Master Degree at a  University. 

Participants who exit this course at any time prior to completion will receive a Statement of  Attainment for the units of competency they have successfully completed.

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